*/ X ray Osmaniaortho.com: X ray 9

Friday, December 16, 2011

X ray 9

Interesting case:
A 50 years old male patient with 4 years history of swelling
over the foot.The swelling started and progressed to the
 present size in last 3 - 4 years.No history of any pain
(occasional dragging sensation.),any discharge,no any injury,
No any similar swellings any where.
On examination:
Non tender ,sessile,irregular,lobular swelling with
no local rise of temperature with hard
Consistency and no fluctuation.no movements
 with the muscle movements and no any pulastions.
Distal neuro vascular system is normal and no any
 lymph nodes enlargement.
What is the probable diagnosis?
what will the approach towards the case?

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