*/ X ray Osmaniaortho.com: December 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

X RAY of the week # 10 (UPDATED)

Present x ray

4 months back xray 

Patient is a 50 yr old male who presented to us with pathological fracture in left humerus. Incidentally patient has Carpal tunnel syndrome on opposite side.
His  work up shows ALP↑↑ ; PSA levels, Sr Calcium & phosphorus  with in normal range; Hb electrophoresis shows no M spike.

Biopsy report awaited...

whats ur diagnosis??

Biopsy report :
Specimen shows blood clot with entrapped sheets of mature plasma cells along with focal areas showing plasmacytoblasts. Russel bodies and dutcher bodies seen. Features are consistent with plasma cell Neoplasm.

Bone scan shows no hotspots elsewhere in the body..

Friday, December 16, 2011

X ray 9

Interesting case:
A 50 years old male patient with 4 years history of swelling
over the foot.The swelling started and progressed to the
 present size in last 3 - 4 years.No history of any pain
(occasional dragging sensation.),any discharge,no any injury,
No any similar swellings any where.
On examination:
Non tender ,sessile,irregular,lobular swelling with
no local rise of temperature with hard
Consistency and no fluctuation.no movements
 with the muscle movements and no any pulastions.
Distal neuro vascular system is normal and no any
 lymph nodes enlargement.
What is the probable diagnosis?
what will the approach towards the case?

Friday, December 2, 2011

X ray of the week # 8 (UPDATED)

45year old male Patient presented with history of surgery of  to left hip following fall and fracture 25 years back. There is history of only one surgery on his left hip(No history of Implant removal). Patient also gives history of plaster cast immobilization extending from Umbilicus extending into both lower limbs for couple of months. Following which he had painless hip and was able to perform all his daily routine without any pain. Now presented with pain in the hip since 1 year.

What fracture he had 25 yeasr back?
What surgery did he undergo?
What is the present diagnosis