*/ X ray Osmaniaortho.com: 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

x ray 23

A 21 year old male presented with chief complaint of pain in the rt knee region since 3 years. History  of fall from height.
Whats your diagnosis?
How would you like to manage given his age and mature skeleton...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

X ray 22

Patient came walking to ER with history of injury to right leg the same day. past history of injury to the same leg about 3 years back..on examination no abnormal mobility.
how would you manage this case..

Friday, October 12, 2012

X ray 21

Patient presented to OPD with complaints of knee pain
No h/o trauma

Whats your impression on seeing radiographs?
How would you like to manage the case?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

X ray 20

Patient presented to OPD with 2 months old post traumatic raw area over the wrist and palm on the ulnar half of wrist and hand with unhealthy granulation over the wrist with carpal bones in the base...

Patient presented with ulnar deviation and palmar flexion of wrist..

How would you like to manage the case

Find the radiograph attached

Monday, July 16, 2012

X ray 19

 8 year old boy presented by father in OPD with history of pain swelling in Rt Upper limb following fall during play and history of massages. Patient presented with wrist drop and tense swelling in upper arm
Clinical photos MR and CT would be uploaded shortly